ARC’s community plans assist our clients in identifying issues and developing strategies that address current and long-range needs to improve infrastructure, enhance health and welfare, and assist local economies while retaining local character and culture.

Our planning approach identifies project needs and communicates those needs to decision-makers, community members, and other stakeholders. Our role is to help you set, project, and plan for a future that’s best for you. We help you discover ways to reach your goals, by identifying required resources and the means to obtain those resources in a manner that respects local funding and implementation capacities.
We develop plans through interactive processes that depend on focused and productive user involvement. Our clients are involved throughout the process through work sessions, project briefings, and via technical memoranda prepared during planning phases. With our assistance, you take ownership of the planning effort from the very beginning, resulting in long-term project success.
ARC provides rural, urban, and regional planning services throughout the Southwest. They include:
- Comprehensive planning that guides all aspects of long-range community growth
- MainStreet (downtown) revitalization planning
- Downtown/ MRA Planning
- Economic Development, Housing, and Transportation planning
- Land use and economic planning for Native American communities
- Community facility needs assessments and plans that include site location analysis, identification of alternative methods of providing services, development of capital improvement plans, and capital budgeting
- Special studies, including demographic analyses and growth projections for communities and educational institutions
- Community participation strategies that range from public meetings, town halls, and charrettes to web-based surveys and social media
- Land-use regulation techniques that include zoning code revisions, subdivision ordinances, and designating special districts or overlay zones
- Hazards Mitigation Planning

Market Analyses include reviews of existing businesses, recent and expected changes in the business community, and recent industry trends. Analyses also examine assets, such as workforce and customer base, and opportunities, including market leakage studies to determine gaps in existing services. Regional analysis reviews local, state, regional, and local business trends and market saturation.
Downtown Vision and Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency (MRA) Plans present community visions for downtowns and current plans and designs for specific catalytic projects and developments, including designs for placement and signage for way-finding systems. These elements incorporate measures to improve environmental sustainability and utility efficiency. Historic preservation and utilization identify potential additions and innovative uses for historic assets.
Implementation Plans provide a clear, actionable process for communities to accomplish the goals and projects proposed in a plan. Actions and timelines are developed to suit municipal capacity and identify responsible parties. Prioritization and funding options are included for each action identified.