Our planning efforts encompass the entire facility planning cycle with a focus on pre- and post-design activities. With this unique perspective, we provide you with specialized assistance in making the prudent decisions that affect your long-term planning.
Much of our work involves studies to identify real project needs and to communicate those needs to decision-makers. Our role is to provide assistance to you in setting, projecting, and planning for a desired future, helping you discover how to achieve your goals, what resources are required, and how to obtain those resources while maximizing capital resources and minimizing operational expenses.
In our institutional planning, we develop high-level strategic facilities plans, campus plans, and individual facility programs. These studies generally include condition assessments of existing sites and facilities; detailed interviews with building users, key decision makers, and subject matter experts; future planning and growth analysis; building programs; site selection and site master planning; workshops with project stakeholders; feasibility and cost estimates; schematic or conceptual designs; and implementation and phasing plans.